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Rovinj winter training camp

First training session in Rovinj; Zagorac replaced Šemper

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GNK Dinamo first squad arrived in Rovinj where the first part of winter training camp will be held.  

Head coach Ivaylo Petev selected 24 players for this part of the training camp. It's worth mentioning that talented goalkeeper Adrian Šemper left to Lokomotiva on six months loan, while Lokomotiva goalkeeper Danijel Zagorac returned from loan to Dinamo. 

Goalkeepers: Zagorac, Mikulić

Defenders: Stojanović, Matel, Benković, Lešković, Perić, Schildenfeld, Soldo, Sigali, Sosa

Midfielders: Machado, Goncalo, Gojak, Pavičić, Olmo, Ćorić, Knežević, Moro, Fiolić, Karimi

Strikers: Hodžić, Mihaljević.
