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Media representatives can apply for accreditation for the 8th round match of the UEFA Champions League Dinamo - Milan on the link
which is scheduled for Wednesday, January 29th at 9:00 PM at Maksimir Stadium.
Start of accreditation process: Wednesday, January 22, 2025, at 12:00 PM
End of accreditation process: Tuesday, January 28, 2025, at 12:00 PM
After the deadline, it is not possible to apply for accreditation. Applications are valid only through the specified application. Applications via PRESS email are not valid. Applying for accreditation does not guarantee issuance of the same.
Approval of accreditation does not guarantee entry to the stadium as a condition for entry to the stadium is the presentation of a personal document and accreditation. The information on both documents must be identical. In case the media representative does not have one of the mentioned documents or the information is not identical, entry to the stadium will not be allowed.
Media representatives whose requests have been approved will receive a response in writing to the email provided in the application. Applying for accreditation does not guarantee obtaining it.
GNK Dinamo reserves the right to reject accreditation requests.
After the deadline for applications, we will notify the registered media of the status of their request via email.