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Dinamo's “senator”

Bruno Petković extends his contract with Dinamo

Maksimir Blue's number nine, Bruno Petković, has extended his contract with Dinamo, giving the Blues an additional boost for the continuation of the competition after a successful start to the season. His previous contractual obligation was set to expire next year, and with this move, he has symbolically become a major reinforcement for this transfer window.

Since mid-August 2018 and his debut in the league victory against Osijek with a score of 2:1 in Zagreb, Petković has won 11 trophies with the Blues: the league title in each of the past six seasons, two Croatian Cup titles, and three Super Cup titles. In each of these seasons, he has been one of the main driving forces behind the Blue team. The European performances, of course, carry particular weight.

He entered the Champions League twice with the blues, once with those unforgettable scissors against Norwegian Bodø/Glimt in the play-offs. They have also qualified for the Europa League three more times, each time reaching the European spring with an unforgettable entry into the quarterfinals in 2021. Last year, in their debut appearance in the Conference League, they also passed the group stage, securing their fourth European spring in six seasons.

Petković is currently in second place on the historical club list of top scorers in UEFA competitions... At the top is Mislav Oršić with 28 goals, and Petković follows with 26. He is also fourth on the list of players with the most European appearances in Dinamo's history: at the top is Arijan Ademi with 104, followed by Sammir with 76, Dominik Livaković with 74, and Petković with 73.

In his career at Dinamo so far, he has played 253 official matches with 82 goals and 72 assists, he has won nine penalties... If we add friendly matches, the number rises to 284 appearances and 102 goals.

Dear Bruno, congratulations on the contract extension and we look forward to new shared successes.
