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Celebration at Poljud:

Derby time travel

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Dinamo will play against Hajduk in the Croatian cup semi-final! The match will take place at Poljud stadium, on Wednesday, March 16 (17:30h) and here you can find ''Poljud derby results'' (from 2003 till today).


Hajduk vs Dinamo at Poljud stadium

Feb 27 2013   Hajduk - Dinamo 1:2 (Championship)

Sep 14 2013   Hajduk - Dinamo 2:0 (Championship)

Dec 18 2013   Hajduk - Dinamo 1:2 (Croatian cup)

Mar 22 2014   Hajduk - Dinamo 0:2 (Championship)

Aug 31 2014   Hajduk - Dinamo 2:3 (Championship)

Mar 14 2015   Hajduk - Dinamo 1:1 (Championship)

Sep 19 2015   Hajduk - Dinamo 0:0 (Championship)


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