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Club's new partner

Dinamo and Ralu Logistika enter into a new partnership with high ambitions

Photo by: Toni Nikolić/GNK Dinamo

GNK Dinamo proudly announces that it has secured a new sponsorship deal with RALU Logistika, a renowned company that provides top-notch logistics services to its partners. The beginning of this new partnership, in which RALU Logistika has become one of the main club partners, further confirms our commitment to collaborating with leading companies in their industries who share our passion for excellence and high business standards.

RALU Logistics is one of the largest independent logistics companies in the region, enabling its clients to fully focus on their core business while ensuring efficiency and competitiveness in the market. The company gathers and develops top professionals in the field of integrated logistics services, which is the foundation of the highest quality service they provide to their valued partners on a daily basis. The business portfolio that the company has built in its 35 years of operation is the best proof that RALU Logistics strives for excellence and the highest level of quality.

- Recently, my colleagues informed me about the data they learned at the UEFA congress that in the last two years, the majority of sponsorship contracts of football clubs are being signed with companies engaged in logistics. I am glad that we at Dinamo and our colleagues at RALU Logistika are following these trends and that we quickly saw the benefits of this collaboration. With RALU Logistika, we share a vision of progress and innovation, and we are entering this new phase of cooperation with great enthusiasm, stated the president of GNK Dinamo, Mr. Velimir Zajec, after signing the new business partnership.

- We are pleased to announce that RALU Logistika is becoming a proud partner of GNK Dinamo, a club with a rich tradition and significant success on the field. As a company dedicated to excellence and commitment in the field of logistics, we recognize the same values in Dinamo. We believe that our partnership will contribute to the further development of the club, and we wish Dinamo success in the upcoming matches, said Mario Mesaroš, President of the Management Board of RALU Logistika.

GNK Dinamo continues to build strong relationships with successful business entities, and this partnership is just another step forward in our efforts to be not only a leader on the sports field, but also in the business community.

