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New collaboration

Dinamo has entered into a business partnership with BIRD Incubator

GNK Dinamo proudly announces that it has formed a new partnership with BIRD Incubator.

BIRD Incubator is the leading Croatian incubator that helps develop startups in the field of artificial intelligence. Over the past three years, BIRD has assisted in the development of over 50 startups and helped them raise over €8,000,000 in investments. Various startups they have supported have made an impact in the modern world and significantly improved aspects of various industries.
BIRD will soon launch a new incubation program where 10 startups will have the opportunity to develop their ideas with the help of numerous mentors and partners. We are excited to be part of this program and to offer our knowledge and experience to new generations of young startups who want to make an impact in the world. Of course, we also hope to find new improvements that Dinamo can integrate into the club and enhance every aspect off the field.