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Dinamo reaches historic numbers, club has over 42,000 members!

Dinamo has reached historic numbers, and that in a significantly earlier timeframe than even the most optimistic had hoped for. The Maksimir club, as the peak of the campaign called "Two Fingers of One Hand", surpassed the historic milestone of 42,000 collected members several months before the set plan.

The idea of increasing membership with the slogan "being a Dinamo fan means being a Dinamo member" has come to life in full profile. Our club, with concrete actions and emphasized emotion, has sought to further strengthen the already strong synergy with its fans, as announced by the president of the Membership Committee, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Tomislav Globan, during the presentation of the entire project.

Members, of course, have their rights and obligations and as such they make up the connective tissue and an essential part of the identity of our club. The campaign was further strengthened at the beginning of May this year when the club had 29,000 members. A clear and ambitious goal was set back then - to reach the number of 42,000 by the end of the year, the same number as the unforgettable 1982.

It is impressive to note that the goal was achieved after just four months, at the beginning of September, or in other words - three months before (!) the planned deadline.

This is just another indication that the strategy of attracting new members and strengthening the connection between the club and the growing fan base has been well received.

In this regard, the club has taken a series of steps, among which the project "Dinamovo" stands out as the main catalyst for actions aimed at increasing the number of members. The second in a series of events under the name "Dinamovo" is approaching, with the basic idea being that the club reaches out to its fans. In addition, the Membership Committee has devised a series of different actions, such as organizing "blue nights" that will go beyond the borders of the Croatian capital.
