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Sunday, July 7th at 7 PM

Presentation of the new jersey for the 2024/25 season in Maksimir Park

Dear GNK Dinamo fans,

We hereby inform you that the presentation of the new kit for the 2024/25 season will take place on Sunday, July 7th, at 7:00 PM in Maksimir Park, near the main stage.

This season, GNK Dinamo is starting a new chapter in collaboration with our new equipment manufacturer, the renowned British brand Castore. Castore is known for its quality and innovation in sports gear, and we are confident that our players, as well as our loyal fans, will be thrilled with the new kits.

At the event in Maksimir Park, you can expect fun and educational content, a musical program, and various games to participate in and win valuable prizes. The cherry on top will be the presence of some first-team players with whom you can socialize and take photos. 

We invite all our fans to join us at this event and be the first to see the new jersey that our players will be wearing in the upcoming season. It will be a great opportunity for socializing, taking photos, exchanging experiences, and of course, showing support to our club ahead of the fight for trophies in the new season.

See you at Maksimir Park on Sunday, July 7th at 7:00 PM!

Check out this post on Instagram.

Post shared by GNK Dinamo (@gnkdinamo)
