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Players after a derby game:

We are glad Rijeka is still four points behind us

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- This was a tough derby fight. Both Rijeka and we had some great chances during the whole game and I think fans can be satisfied even though we didn't score. Of course, the championship run isn't over and we still have a lot of work to do. Our advantage is still four points and we need to give our maximum in upcoming four games. With this draw we are one step closer to the title - Domagoj Antolić

- It was a tough, but interesting game. We wanted to win, but Rijeka is a quality team and this draw is the most fair result. We had some nice actions, we missed some great chances and Rijeka also couldn't score. We need to prepare and focus on Split, my former team, and we are glad we have kept a four-point advantage ahead of Rijeka - Marko Rog
