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Dinamo still undefeated this season

Autor fotografije: Pixsell/Sanjin Strukić

Dinamo first squad is currently the only undefeated Croatian first division team this season. In 12 official games this season, Dinamo recorded 8 wins and 4 draws with goal difference 23-6. 

Also, Dinamo is leading on Croatian first division league table after round 8, with 22 points. Title defender Rijeka is second with four points behind Dinamo, while Hajduk is third with six points behind Dinamo. 


Leonardo Sigali is the only player which played all 12 games this season, exactly 1080 minutes on the pitch. Junior Fernandes, Nikola Moro, Armin Hodžić and Petar Stojanović played 11 games this season.

Currently top goalscorer this season is Algerian international Hilal Soudani who scored five goals in eight appearances. Junior Fernandes scored four times, while Armin Hodžić braced three goals this season.  

