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invitation national squad

Dinamo players with invitation for their national team

Autor fotografije: Pixsell

Again, 12 players of the first team are invited to their national team, while the rest of the team continues training process at Maksimir.

The Croatian national team continues the cycle as part of the UEFA League of Nations. Dominik Livaković will represent Croatia which will host Spain at Maksimir on November 15 (20:45h) and November 18 in London against England (15h).

Mario Gavranovic received an invitation of the Swiss national team which will play two matches on November 14th in a friendly duel against Katar (19h), and then travel to Belgium on November 18 (20:45h) as part of UEFA League.

Captain Arijan Ademi will perform for the Macedonian national team in two UEFA League matches. November 16 Macedonia plays against Liechtenstein (20:45h) and November 19 at home against Gibraltar (20:45h).

Central defender Amir Rrahmani with Kosovo plays the UEFA Nations League against Malta (17.11, 18h) and Azerbaijan (20.11., 20:45h), while right-winger Petar Stojanovic with Slovenia as part of the same competition is hosted by Norway (16.11. 20.45) and then visiting Bulgaria (19.11., 20:45h).

Defensive player Damian Kadzior has received a call from the Poland team, which plays two games against the Czech Republic (15.11, 18h) and Portugal (20.11., 20:45h). Amer Gojak will have the opportunity to enter debut for the chosen type of BIH, which in the UEFA League League plays against Austria (15 November, 20:45h) and in a friendly match against Spain (18 November, 20:45h).

Sadegh Moharrami was invited to the Iranian national team, playing two friendly duels, November 15 against Trinidad and Tobago (15: 30h) and November 20 against Venezuela in Qatar.

Croatia U-21 this month plays a friendly match with France in Beauvais (15.11., 18:45h). Nenad Gracan invited Ivan Šunjić and Nikola Moro. Dani Olmo again received a call for Spain U-21, which play a friendly match against Denmark U-21 (14.11., 20h).

Antonio Marin competes for Croatia's U-19 selection as placement qualifier in the Elite Round of Qualifying for European Champion next year. Croatia's U-19 power will meet with Macedonia (14 November, 14h), then Luxembourg (17 November, 14h) and finally Czech (20 November, 17h).
