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Maksimir stadium

Basic information

Maksimir stadium was officially opened on 5th of May 1912. Of course, to this day it has been redecorated several times. Big "face lifting" was done in 1997. and 1998. when all the standing places were replaced by seats and a completely new north stand was built. This summer - practically new stadium was built. All the seats on the stands were replaced with new ones and a lot of constructions work was made too to make the stadium look nice and to be as much comfortable for spectators as possible.

Maksimir today

Spectators can choose from four seating stands: north, south, east and west.

Uncovered seats per stand:

  • Upper north stand ("sjever gore" on the map): 4.510 seating places
  • Lower north stand ("sjever dolje" on the map): 4.950 seating places
  • Upper west stand ("zapad gore" on the map): 5.101 seating places
  • Lower west stand ("zapad dolje" on the map): 6.369 seating places
  • East stand ("istok" on the map): 9.514 seating places
  • South stand ("jug" on the map): 3.931 seating places

Uncovered seats in total: 34.375

Covered seats:

VIP boxes on upper north stand: 748 seating places

TOTAL CAPACITY: 35. 123 seating places

Stadium details

Stadion Detaljno - KLIKNI ZA UVEĆANJE


West stand has 20 entry points and capacity of around 13.000 spectators. Between upper  and lower west stand is the VIP section which can be accessed by 4 elevators with capacity of 48 persons. Spectators can reach the parking lot below the west stand through Budakova street and from Svetice. The road from Maksimirska and Svetice is also used for spectators on foot and as an emergency exit.


There are couple of entries to the east stand: from Maksimirska street and from Jakićeva street on the south. There are six entries from Maksimirska street and all of them are completely opened when the game ends so people can easily leave the stadium.





There are three entries with 10 doors to the north stand from Maksimirska street. Full capacity of the stand is around 9.000 and spectators can access lower and upper stand by stairs. Lower stand is secured so no one can jump over to the playground.





There are two entries to the south stand: from Budakova and from Jakićeva street. All the entries to the south stand are colored with yellow paint and this stand is usually used for guest supporters. When there are not enough guest fans for the whole stand, it can easily be separated by fences.



How to get to the stadium?

1. By car

Maksimir stadium is placed in the north-east part of Zagreb and very close to the biggest park in Zagreb - Park Maksimir. Stadium can be reached by car from Maksimirska or Zvonimirova street, and it's easy to find it from the highway. During big games (Croatian League derbies or European games) we recommend using public transport.

2. By tram

Maksimir stadium can easily be reached by public transport which will take the spectators directly to the stadium. If spectators choose to use the tram on Maksimirska street they can drive with numbers 4, 7, 11 and 12. On the other hand, if they choose to come to the stadium from Zvonimirova street they can use numbers 1, 9 and 17. You can find detailed schedules and routes of trams and buses on public transport (ZET) official web site.

Big events on Maksimir stadium

Beside football matches Maksimir stadium is used for some of the biggest concerts in Croatia. David Bowie, U2 and Bon Jovi are just some of foreign stars that were singing on Maksimir stadium. Bijelo dugme, Marko Perković Thompson and other domestic stars also had concerts on Maksimir stadium.

Because of their beautiful view on the city on one side and on the stadium at the other VIP boxes can be used for business meetings and celebrations. Of course, VIP boxes are equipped with bars, needed tehnical support and other.

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